I Tried Personal Color Analysis And It’s Worth It

This year I got myself something that I think would be an investment for myself. So I got myself a personal color analysis. Some people might think it’s a waste of money. Despite knowing I have a warm undertone, I lacked clarity on which colors would best enhance my makeup and wardrobe choices.

So I booked an appointment at Personal Color Analysis with Peony. And I waited for three months to get analyzed.

Peony started by explaining the principles of color analysis, her methodology, and the various seasonal classifications. Through a combination of filling out a form and using a special device to scan my skin tone

Removing my makeup was essential for accurate results. After the makeup was removed, the analysis started by draping many colors, and Peony did her job to see which season suited me the best. And my season is Autumn Deep. The goal here is to find the best color for me.

As you can see the difference is huge. These photos are not edited. When I wear my best colors, I don’t need to wear much makeup. But if I wear not-my-best colors I have to use more makeup and concealer.

My worst colors are blue-based pastel colors. I will look dull when I wear pastel colors. From this session, I learned that no matter how expensive your makeup (or your clothes), if you don’t know your best color, it will make you look dull or sick—well, just not the best. But if you have a cheap lip product that suits your undertone, you will look stunning.

Will I declutter my stuff?

Yes, I will! After I find out my best colors, I will let some of my clothes and makeup go (especially makeup). There are some tricks for the clothes that don’t suit my undertone.

In my opinion, personal color analysis will save you a lot of money from buying the wrong makeup and clothes because you will know what’s best for you. And if you want to be a stylist, you should learn about color analysis.

Winny Irmarooke

Trying to live sustainably.


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